Kokusunda Şifa Var...
Sarımsağın yemeklere, salatalara, mezelere verdiği lezzetten sual olunmaz, bu yüzden de mutfaklardan hiç çıkmaz.
Sarımsağın yemeklere, salatalara, mezelere verdiği lezzetten sual olunmaz, bu yüzden de mutfaklardan hiç çıkmaz.
Şifanın, dinç bir bünyenin de sırrıdır aynı zamanda bu bitki. Haricen kullanıldığında yaraları iyileştiren, mantar hastalıklarını tedavi eden, tansiyon ve kolesterol düşürücü, safra salgısı artırıcı, sakinleştirici olarak kullanılabilen bu dişli, lezzetli sağlık deposu bitkinin etken maddesini açığa çıkarmak oldukça önemli... Sarımsağı ilaç niyetine kullanmak istediğinizde, onu bir tentür haline getirebilir, havanda dövüp sulandırarak kullanabilir veya alkolle
karıştırıp yaralara sürebilirsiniz. Sarımsak ayrıca, beyaz kan hücrelerini arttırdığı için bağışıklı sistemini güçlendirmede, damar tıkanıklığına karşı korunmada, kan şekerinin dengelenmesinde de kullanılıyor.Her bitkiyi sağlık yararına kullanmanın bir altın kuralı var, o da dozajı iyi ayarlamak. Sarımsağın çiğ olarak fazla tüketilmesi, midede tahrişe yol açabiliyor. Ayrıca tansiyon probleminiz varsa, çok dikkatli kullanmalısınız zira tansiyonunuz üzerindeki düşürücü etkisi aşırıya kaçabilir ve göz kararmalarına, baş dönmesine sebep olabilir.
Mit Knoblauch schmeckt jedes Essen, jeder Salat und jede Vorspeise noch mal so lecker und deswegen ist er aus keiner Küche wegzudenken. Als Heilpflanze unterstützt er das Abwehrsystem. Äußerlich angewendet kann man damit Wunden heilen oder Pilzinfektionen behandeln, außerdem wirkt die Knolle Blutdruck und Colesterin senkend, regt die Tätigkeit der Gallenblase an oder kann als Beruhigungsmittel genutzt werden. Um den Knoblauch als Heilmittel zu verwenden, kann man ihn entweder zu einer Tinktur verarbeiten, im Mörser zerstoßen oder mit Alkohol vermischt auf Wunden auftragen. Übrigens stärkt er auch wirksam die Abwehrkräfte, weil er die Anzahl der weißen Blutkörperchen erhöht, er beugt Arterienverstopfung vor und reguliert den Blutzuckerspiegel.
Für die Behandlung mit Heilpflanzen gibt es ein oberstes Gebot: die richtige Dosierung. Genießt man zu viel rohen Knoblauch, kann das den Magen reizen. Ebenfalls vorsichtig sollte man sein, wenn man unter Kreislaufproblemen leidet, denn durch die blutdrucksenkende Wirkung könnte einem schwindelig oder schwarz vor Augen werden.
The fact that garlic seasons all kinds of dishes, salads and appetizers is unquestionable. It is an essential ingredient of all kitchens. But at the same time, this herb is the secret for remedies and a fit body. Garlic heals wounds, fights fungus infections, lowers the cholesterol and blood pressure, increases bile and tranquilizes the mind. It is quite important though to extract the most from the clove so as to get the best out of this little but pungent bomb-shell of health. To use garlic as a medical remedy, you can make a tincture out of it, crush it in a mortar to be diluted or dress wounds after mixing with alcohol. Garlic fuels the growth of white blood cells strengthening the immune system, protects the arteries from being blocked and balances blood sugar levels. The golden rule of making the most of each herb's health benefits is to adjust the dosage well. Excessive consumption of (raw) garlic may damage the stomach. Moreover, if you have a blood pressure problem, you should use it carefully since it may cause blood pressure to plummet, resulting in dizziness and black-outs.
The fact that garlic seasons all kinds of dishes, salads and appetizers is unquestionable. It is an essential ingredient of all kitchens. But at the same time, this herb is the secret for remedies and a fit body. Garlic heals wounds, fights fungus infections, lowers the cholesterol and blood pressure, increases bile and tranquilizes the mind. It is quite important though to extract the most from the clove so as to get the best out of this little but pungent bomb-shell of health. To use garlic as a medical remedy, you can make a tincture out of it, crush it in a mortar to be diluted or dress wounds after mixing with alcohol. Garlic fuels the growth of white blood cells strengthening the immune system, protects the arteries from being blocked and balances blood sugar levels. The golden rule of making the most of each herb's health benefits is to adjust the dosage well. Excessive consumption of (raw) garlic may damage the stomach. Moreover, if you have a blood pressure problem, you should use it carefully since it may cause blood pressure to plummet, resulting in dizziness and black-outs.
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