GEZELİM GÖRELİM"Ermeni Patrikhanesi"
İstanbul'daki Ermeni Patrikhanesi, Ermeni Kilisesi'nin yeryüzündeki dört hiyerarşik merkezinden birisi (diğerleri Erivan, Beyrut ve Kudüs'te bulunuyor).
İlk İstanbul Patriği 1. Hovaghim, Fatih Sultan Mehmet döneminde görev yapmış. İstanbul Ermeni Patrikliği'nin Meryem Ana Merkez Kilisesi ve geleneksel ahşap Patrikhane binası 1641 yılından itibaren, o zamanlar Konstancalion adlı bir liman olan Kumkapı'da bulunuyor.
Ermeni Patrikhanesi
Armenian Patriarchate
Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate is one of the four hierarchical centres of Armenian Church in the world (others are in Erivan, Beirut and Jerusalem ). First Patriarch of Istanbul, I. Hovaghim was in charge during Mehmet the Conqueros rule. Since 1641, The Virgin Mary Central Church and traditional wooden Patriarchate building have been located in Kumkapt, a harbour which was called as Constancalion in those years.
■ Kumkapi.
Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate is one of the four hierarchical centres of Armenian Church in the world (others are in Erivan, Beirut and Jerusalem ). First Patriarch of Istanbul, I. Hovaghim was in charge during Mehmet the Conqueros rule. Since 1641, The Virgin Mary Central Church and traditional wooden Patriarchate building have been located in Kumkapt, a harbour which was called as Constancalion in those years.
■ Kumkapi.
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