Zeyrek Camii (Pantokrator Manastır Kilisesi)
Zeyrek Camii (Pantokrator Manastır Kilisesi)

Önce bu kiliseye cenaze törenlerinin yapıldığı küçük bir kilise, daha sonra ise Theotohas Eleousa'nın himayesinde bir başka kilise eklenmiş. İstanbul'un fethinden sonra kilisenin bölümleri medreseye çevrilmiş ve zamanın bilginlerinden Molla Zeyrek'in adını almış. Bugün cami olarak kullanılıyor.
This is the main church of a monastery complex of Byzantium. It consists of three churches. The grand church was built by the first wife of loannes Kcmtenos II., Eirene (1118-1143) awl dedicated to Jesus. Ftrst, a little church where funeral ceremonies took place, was added to tins one and then another one was added under the patronage of'lheotohas FJeousa. After the conquest of Istanbul, pans of the church was transformed to medrese and was gjven the name ofMoOa Zeyrek, one of the scholars of the period. Toda)', it is used as a mosque. Zeyrek Mosque (Pantocrator Monastery Church]
■ Zeyrek.
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