Aya Yorgi Fener Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Kilisesi

1941 yangınında büyük hasar gören kilise, daha sonraları da birçok kez hasar görmesine karşın her defasında onarılmış. Aya Yorgi, içinde barındırdığı paha biçilmez değerdeki eşyalarla ünlü. 5. yüzyıldan kaldığı söylenen patrik tahtı, dünyada benzeri çok az sayıda bulunan üç mozaik ikon, Kudüs'te Hz. İsa'nın bağlanarak kırbaçlandığı kabul edilen bir sütun ve üç azizeye ait tabutlar bunların bazıları.
Aya Yorgi Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Church

In the courtyard of the church, located in Fener, also Greek Orthodox Patriarchate takes place. In 1602, Patriarchate was moved to Aya Yorgi which was used as a monastery in earlier times. The church had been ruined by the fire in 1941 and many times more after that, but it was restored each time. Aya Yorgi is famous for inestimable articles inside. Some of these are the throne of the patriarch supposed to be from 5th century\ three mosaic icons which are very rare all over the world a nail which is supposed to be the one that Jesus was crucified and whipped in Jerusalem and tombs that belong to three saints.
■ Fener
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