Bulgar Kilisesi"Aya Istefanos Kilisesi"

Öyküye göre; Bulgarların kiliseyi yapmasını istemeyen padişah işi zora koşarak," kiliseyi bir ay içinde yapabilirseniz, izin veririm " demiş. Bunun üzerine Bulgarlar kiliseyi dökme demirden inşa ederek bir ay içinde monte etmişler. Neo-gotik tarzdaki yapı mobil bir özellik taşıyor. Yani sökülüp takılabiliyor. Gerekirse bulunduğu yerden taşınıp, başka bir yerde kurulabiliyor. Dönemin ünlü mimarlarından Aznavour'un eseri. Kilise, Fener Rum Patrikhanesinden ayrılan Bulgar azınlık için yapılmış. Günümüzde halen bu cemaat tarafından kullanılıyor. Bahçesinde ilk Bulgar patriklerinin mezarlan mevcut.
Sveti Stefan Bulgarian Church

Aya Istefanos Church, which is also called as Bulgarian Church is located at the shore of Golden Horn and it is made of iron casting, including the columns and mezzanines. Iron was cast in Vienna in 1871 and was brought to Golden Horn by seaway. According to the story, emperor who did not want the Bulgarians build the church, and to make things difficult for them, said " will allow you if only you finish the construction in one month". That's why the Bulgarians constructed the church with iron casting and assembled in one month. The Neo-Gothic formed building has a mobility feature which means it can be dismantled and mounted. If needed it can be moved and constructed somewhere else. It is a work of Aznavour, one of the famous architects of the period. The church was built for the Bulgarian minority that was separated from Fener Greek Patriarchate. Today, it is still used by this community. There are tombs of the first Bulgarian patriarchs in its garden.
■ Mürsel Paşa Caddesi- Balat. (Haliç)
Sveti Stefan Bulgarian Church

Aya Istefanos Church, which is also called as Bulgarian Church is located at the shore of Golden Horn and it is made of iron casting, including the columns and mezzanines. Iron was cast in Vienna in 1871 and was brought to Golden Horn by seaway. According to the story, emperor who did not want the Bulgarians build the church, and to make things difficult for them, said " will allow you if only you finish the construction in one month". That's why the Bulgarians constructed the church with iron casting and assembled in one month. The Neo-Gothic formed building has a mobility feature which means it can be dismantled and mounted. If needed it can be moved and constructed somewhere else. It is a work of Aznavour, one of the famous architects of the period. The church was built for the Bulgarian minority that was separated from Fener Greek Patriarchate. Today, it is still used by this community. There are tombs of the first Bulgarian patriarchs in its garden.
■ Mürsel Paşa Caddesi- Balat. (Haliç)
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