Bursa,"Muradiye Külliyesi" ve İznik "Yeşil Camii"

Cami Osmanlı mimarisinde, ilk zamanlarda çok kullanılmış olan yan mekanlı camiler türündendir.
Barok üslûptaki mihrap ve minberi 18. yüzyıldan kalma. Muradiye Külliyesinde EL Murat ve ailesi adına yaptırılmış 12 türbe bulunuyor. Türbeler Osmanlı şehzadelerinin hüzünlü sonlarını hatırlatırcasına kederli ve zarif. Türbede yatanlar II. Murat, Cem Sultan, I. Ahmet, Şehzade Mustafa ve diğer Osmanlı şehzadeleri.
Muradiye Complex
This complex built by Sultan II. Murat between 1424-1426, consists of a mosque, medrese, soup kitchen, Turkish Bath and 12 tombs. The form of the mosque is side chambers which is a form used frequently in early period of Ottoman architecture. Its Baroque formed niche showing direction of Mecca and pulpit are from 18th century. In Muradiye Complex, there are 12 tombs built for Murat II. and his family. The tombs are elegant and lamentable as if reminding the tragic ends of Ottoman princes. The people laying in these tombs are II.Murat, Cem Sultan, Ahmet I, Prince Mustafa and other Ottoman princes.
■ Muradiye. (Bursa)
Muradiye Complex
This complex built by Sultan II. Murat between 1424-1426, consists of a mosque, medrese, soup kitchen, Turkish Bath and 12 tombs. The form of the mosque is side chambers which is a form used frequently in early period of Ottoman architecture. Its Baroque formed niche showing direction of Mecca and pulpit are from 18th century. In Muradiye Complex, there are 12 tombs built for Murat II. and his family. The tombs are elegant and lamentable as if reminding the tragic ends of Ottoman princes. The people laying in these tombs are II.Murat, Cem Sultan, Ahmet I, Prince Mustafa and other Ottoman princes.
■ Muradiye. (Bursa)

Osmanlı mimarisinin İznik'teki en önemli anıtsal yapısı olan cami, ilçenin doğusunda Lefke Kapısı'nın yakınında yer alıyor. Çandarlı Hayrettin Paşa tarafından 1378-1398 yıllarında yaptırılmış. Köşe sütunlan ile mukamas nişli, geometrik geçmeler, Rumi ve palmet kabartmalarla süslü sade mermer mihrap, en eski ve devrin en güzel Osmanlı örneği. Selçuklu geleneğine uyan tuğla minare, camiiye adını veren, yeşil firuze, san ve mor renkli çinilerle süslü. İznik Yeşil Camii, Selçuklu mimarisinden doğduğu sezilen Osmanlı üslubuna geçiş yapılarından biri olarak kabul ediliyor.
■ Iznik (Bursa)

Green Mosque
'he mosque which is the most essential monumental building of Ottoman architecture in Iznik, is located close to Gate of Lefke on the east of the county. It was built by Çandarlı Hayrettin Paşa between 1378-1398. The corner columns, mukamas niche with geometrical dovetails, the plain marble niche showing the direction of Mecca ornamented with rumi and palmet reliefs are the oldest and the best Ottoman examples of the age. The minaret made of bricks complying with Selcukid tradition is ornamented with tiles in colors of yellow, purple and green turquoise, which had given the name of the mosque Yeşil (Green) Mosque, iznik Yeşil Mosque is assumed to be one of the buildings of transition to Ottoman form that is discerned to be bom of Selcukid architecture.
■ Iznik (Bursa)
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