Gezelim Görelim (Topkapı Sarayı)
Osmanlı padişahlarının yaşadıkları Topkapı Sarayı, dünyanın her yerinden gelen binlerce turist tararından ziyaret edilen, İstanbul'un en görkemli yapıtlarından biri. 15-19. yüzyıllar arasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun merkezinde bulunan Topkapı Sarayı, labirentleriyle, Boğaz, Haliç ve Marmara Denizi'nin sularının karıştığı noktada, bir kara parçası üzerinde yer alıyor.
Topkapı Sarayı
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Topkapı Sarayı,Osmanlı padişahlarının yaşadıkları saray |
Topkapı Palace
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Topkapı Palace |
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Topkapı Palace |
Topkapı Palace, where the Ottoman emperors had lived, is now, one o the most magnificent monuments in istanbul, being visited by thousands of tourists coming ali över the world. Topkapı Palace, that was in the centre of Ottoman Empire between 15th and 19th centuries, is located on a piece of land with labyrinths, at a point where Bosporus, Golden Horn and Marmara Sea are mixed. It w as built between 146 6-1478. This palace is in a unique building like the other European palaces, but is a complex of several pavilions and flats. The population of the palace, that was around people during the period of Mehmet the Conqueror’s rule, increased in time and in 19th century became 5,000 people in regular days and 10,000 in special days like religious feasts. That's why, some new buildings were added to the palace in time . The front courtyard that is connected to the main entrance with Bab-ı Hümayun and where the janissaries stayed, is now serving as parking place for the cars and the buses that takes thousands of visitors. The next door, Bab-us Selam is opened to the second courtyard and through this door was the entry inside the palace. Now, the collections of legendary treasures which the Ottoman emperors collected in a period of centuries, thrones, jewellery, Turkish fabrics woven with silk and artificial fibers, silk caftans, garments of the emperors and valuable prayer rugs are exhibited. The Topkapı dagger, Throne of Nadir Shah and Spoonmaker's diamond which are worldwide famous, are also here.
■ Open everyday except Tuesdays between 9:30-17:00 There is a cafe in the palace
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